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Friday, December 19, 2008


I just found out I did all the work to earn my math AA. I am so grateful to my friends in the department for letting me know early. I don't have to go to Baltimore with doubts. My performance was much less than par this semester if you couldn't tell by the posts. I guess I can take that countdown timer down.
I do wonder how I did in physics, that was what kept me from much of the math. (Update, I got an A in physics)

I didn't think I would be this emotional when I found out. I don't even really know what to say. I guess I could say what I'm thinking.

I am thinking about the classes I went through at Flo, and how much I care for and appreciate my teachers. I'm thinking about the study groups and help I got from the other students. I'm thinking about the relationships I built there.

There is a sign in the hallway of the Math and Science building that says, "St. Louis Community College changes lives everyday". It sure has changed mine. I wasn't even a good student prior to going there. Now, it is one of my favorite places to be.

I hope I passed physics so I can have one more semester there.

I have been taking classes for so many years and 5 different schools. I wondered if this would ever happen. I guess time passes no matter what you do with it. You keep going through the motions knowing and hoping sometime something will happen. Today something happened.

I guess now I get to work on my bachelors. :)

Today, I love life!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

School and Baltimore

Well, I made it through my last two tests of the semester. I didn’t do well on either of them, but I did live through them. I am curious as to how I will do on a math test that I didn’t study or do the homework for prep. I don’t think I have ever not prepped for a math test… especially my much excited for Laplace transforms. I think I got a C, which really isn’t that bad considering. Don’t worry, Rick will replace the final score with the lowest test score, and there is practically no way I will do worse than that on the final. The unfortunate thing about sacrificing math for physics is that I may not get an A in math (or physics for that matter). My GPA will go down, but I was prepared for this. Remember, I took the physics to learn, not for the grade. I have learned a LOT. I plan to take Bob next semester and learn more. Next semester wont be so bad because I am only taking one class, and I will already have my AA. People seem to think that I will like EP2 better than EP1. I liked EP1 pretty much, so... Does school just get better and better as the classes get to the higher levels?

Next Monday is my math final, Tuesday is my physics final. After that I hope I feel relief. Saturday is Baltimore. I can’t wait for Baltimore.

I have never been to Baltimore. He says there is an aquarium there. I don’t recollect that I have ever been to one of those. We don’t have one here in St. Louis. I am also curious about the science center. Yes, I know most of the stuff is for kids, but I’m sure it’s still cool. It’s not like I already know everything about science. There is this one exhibit at our Science Center that I just learned the physics about last week. (The mass distribution of a cylinder on an incline and it’s velocity). Anyway… Baltimore…I want to write about it because it is worth mentioning again. Mostly I just want to be there. I think I will do some research on the city before I go. When I went to Seattle for three months, I felt as if I knew more about Seattle than St. Louis. Now, I want to learn all I can about Baltimore. I wonder if I will end up knowing more about Baltimore than St. Louis.

Well, why am I writing here when I could be reading about there?

Thursday, December 4, 2008


It’s been a while since I put in an update. I have been thinking about it, but I’m not quite sure what to say.

I have been pretty happy lately. I try to keep too many personal things out of here, but I think it is worth mentioning that I have been particularly happy in the past few weeks.

I am very much looking forward to the break.

I have two tests next week and two finals the week after. The semester from hell is almost over. Two tests next week, two finals the week after... Yes, I like learning physics, but it was a rough ride with the math too. I get my AA Math soon, but I haven’t really thought about that very much this semester. It’s probably because I don’t walk in December (for mom). I will have to wait for May 23rd. That will be interesting. It will be my last semester at that school. I may cry. I know my spring 09 class will only be a transfer class, but I doubt I will let myself slack. I’m looking forward to it (Engineering Physics II). What will I ever do without a math class? LOL fortunately, there will be a LOT of integrals in that class.

Oh, my bro became email friendly. FINALLY!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Better Semester

My semester is getting better. I don't know if it's that my brain is functioning better, or just that it is nearing the end (the semester, not the brain)(3 weeks left) and it is starting to hit.

In math we finally got to Laplace transforms. I have been excited to learn about that for quite some time now. I didn't do as well on the math test as I would have liked (88) but most of my mistakes were algebra or arithmetic. That doesn't bother me as much as if I had lost more points because of the calculus. The last physics test didn't go well either. I was hoping for a 60 and got a 74 (which was the average). I can't remember the last time I got an average test score. I don't think I have since I've been at Flo. That's ok though, I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked. Physics got better recently also. I know stuff that rotates is much more difficult, but some of it just goes completely against what I think it would do. It's kind of fascinating. Bob also talked about protons and stars last night which was super ultra cool. I think this next physics test might be the most difficult aside from the first one. This next math test will be all Laplace. I seem to be picking up on that ok, so I'm not as worried about that one. It might backfire on me though. I might spend too much time on the physics and not enough on the math. We'll see.

Break is coming up. Thanksgiving is next week. Bob is going to give us a 60 point project that will help us improve our grade. We started with 12, and then there were 7. The class is pretty cool now though, like a family or sorts. The big break (Christmas) is coming soon too. I am excited to be off work for almost two weeks. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my time. My brother will be in town which is cool, but I wont be able to monopolize him the whole time.

After the break, school doesn't start until late January. I only plan to take engineering physics 2. This semester just about killed me. Granted, I had a lot going on, but still. It is my last semester at Flo and I might as well leave on a happy note. (That's funny, one of the most difficult classes and I think happy note). I hear there are a lot of integrals in EP2, but I'm not really afraid of integrals...yet... I hope I get to see a lot of F (dot) dr stuff. Who knows. I guess anyone who has had the class knows. lol

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's OK to Have a Bad Semester

I was doing fine until I wrecked my car. I had a hard time studying and focusing at work. I was able to fall just about two weeks behind, and with two hard classes. Is that even recoverable? I took a physics test last night. I was more prepared than I thought I was, but still missed a couple of the thinking problems and a BIG 24 point application problem. I do remember that I was in this to learn, even if it does negatively impact my GPA on my AA transcript.

I have a math test next week. I haven’t gotten all the homework done (which is not like me), but the good news is I understand it. I just need a little practice and I have this weekend to do that. Physics just takes so much more thought and time. Next semester I am only going to take Engineering Physics 2. That will finally allow me to have class only two days a week rather than four, and I can’t remember the last semester I only had one class. This will be my last semester at Flo. Off to UMSL after that. Will it be math? Will it be physics? Today, it is math, so I can get the BS a year earlier. Then I can finally do physics.

On a personal note, (Which I don’t do very often… I have found most of my writing is school related) I have some new friends. That makes me happy.

I am very excited for the break. Partially to have a break from school (which I rarely like) and the holiday work break. I cannot wait for that!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bullet Points

My last few days have been quite hectic. Instead of writing one huge entry, I will bullet it.

-Friday night - Did math homework
-Saturday morning - Did math (practically finished)
-Saturday night - Poker (H.O.R.S.E) did decent
-Sunday morning - Wrecked car (glad I had math done) Not physically injured
-Sunday night - good food, good pool, good company
-Monday morning - did NOT want to drive.. took a half day
-Monday night - Math class (decided not to do physic labs, not thinking clearly)
-Tuesday morning - Could not multi-task at work
-Tuesday evening - Went to visit UMSL physics dept. Mom's (loaner) car died
Got a jump
-Tuesday later evening - physics class.. didn't want to go, but it turned out well
Got a Jump
-Wednesday morning - car wouldn't start called Bob
-Wednesday morning - Bob came to jump/take car, leave truck.. car started
-Wednesday day - didn't enjoy work, but later it got better
-Wednesday night is tonight.
Friday is Halloween!

One thing though. I have been going on more intuition lately (The last few months). I don't know why I did my math Friday night, usually I do my physics first. I didn't plan on Sunday being so eventful. I allowed myself to be comfortable with my friends later that day, even though I was kind of... well, a little off.
My phone was almost dead (battery) Tuesday. I turned it off just in case I needed it for an emergency. Mom's car died and I needed it.

Small decisions I have made have not turned out badly. Are my intuitions on? I hope so. (There is the exception of the mistake I made which caused me to turn my car around 180 and up 90 into a ditch). It was an accident though. (I will presumably write more about that at a later time)

It is scary to make decisions on intuition rather than logic.

Friday, October 24, 2008

School Was Good This Week

So, I have been going through this agonizing decision again between math and physics. The only conclusion I can make is to do both. That may not be the correct conclusion, but if one falls out. I have the other.

I had a great week in school (Even though I had to miss physics Tuesday). Math got cool. We looked again at the Taylor series and complex numbers a little. I get very excited when I get to learn about complex numbers because I am so curious and can't let myself go learn that while in the middle of a semester.

Physics was equally cool. One question I did ask in class was, "When do we get to learn that?" The answer was, if you are a physics major either mechanics or relativity (there were two subjects) and if you are not a physics major, you probably wont. It was about how F=ma breaks down at different velocities, and relative velocity when the inertial frame of reference is in the same frame as the observation. (Something like that)

I wrote on my pad of paper I carry around to not forget ideas.. while in class. I ended up asking Bob anyway rather than looking it up. "How can we observe the acceleration of the universe if we are IN the universe?" The answer was, we measure the velocities of other objects and we are the inertial frame of reference, but we cannot measure the acceleration of the universe.

I had a great lunch today with a math guy from work and his OA. Raj... He got his Ph D from Princeton in Math. He used to teach at WU and Rolla... What did he teach you ask? Complex math... He told me about some ideas his 'adviser' (Genius btw who had his Ph D at 19) taught him. It was great. I had a great time. He told me about some proofs... One was something about a line stretching from negative infinity to positive infinity, and that line being a circle, we would see it as a line. A circle with a point missing is a line. A sphere with a point missing is a plane. If my memory is poor I may be mis-understanding, both what happened at lunch and what happened in class. Pat said she had no idea what we were talking about most of the time, except for my interest in fractals.

My mind gets opened up to physics, and math just keeps getting more interesting. Fortunately for a physics degree there are still some math classes left.

When I finally get around to learning the stuff I am curious about, I wonder if I will come back and read this, only to find out that what I thought I remembered from class and lunch was just slightly skewed.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well, I'm glad he got me thinking about it again. I woke up this morning, not wanting to go to this pesky job thing which I have to do in order to pay for life. I decided to take the physics classes for the minor first (when I start at UMSL). If I can't succeed at physics (or change my mind yet again), I can always switch back to math and minor in physics. I figure, why not do what has been keeping me tossing and turning for months? I love the math. I like physics so far, but am just scratching the surface. I think I should probably scratch a little deeper into the physics surface since it keeps me up nights. Maybe I would just do both if it weren't so time consuming. There is this thought in my head though... I don't see many people my age going back to school for these subjects, and very few people in general go for astronomy. The only way to guarantee that I will never be able to do this is to not even try. Physics is much scarier than math, but I don't want to guarantee failure by never trying.

Monday, October 13, 2008

October Weekend of FUN

Well, I spent basically all day Saturday on physics and all day Sunday on math. I thought I wasn't going to do my math, but it ate at me. How could I possibly have thought I wouldn't at least attempt my math? I should know myself better than that by now.. Anyway, I didn't finish my math, but I did finish the physics homework. I will have time Tuesday (physics test day) to study, but after about 6 hours of it my brain shuts down. I am afraid of over-studying, but I still don't have the time down to a reasonable time to finish a Bob test. I (amazingly enough) feel more ready for the physics than the math, but I need to put more energy into physics to improve my grade (and learn it). Again, for math I just have to hope that the work I have done is enough to get me through. Sure, I will do more work to get the first order methods down, but those population problems are a real bitch.

I tried to get a study group together Saturday, that didn't work. I did get a guy's number from class. We talked Sunday to compare answers and techniques. That was good, at least I found someone to work with. "Smart Girl" Molly had to go out of town this weekend.

Overall I had a good weekend, I was focused and got some things done.

The leaves are falling, I am not excited about cleaning up after those trees.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Well, I joined Phi Theta Kappa.

I don’t know what this school has done differently, but it has made an obvious impact. It is no wonder I have so many previous entries about how much I like it there.

Thanks to all of those who have helped me (and are still).

Special thanks to the calculus series teachers and the friends with whom I studied. Had that series not gone so well, I may not be where I am now.

I know my reputation at Flo Valley is that of a good student. I do my homework, I get good grades, I go to class… All that…

I wasn’t always a good student. I did start out at Meramec back in the mid 1990’s where I didn’t do so well. I went to Blackburn College where I didn’t do so well. I went to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville where I didn’t do so well. I went to the University of Missouri St. Louis where I didn’t do so well. Finally I landed at Florissant Valley, where I did do well (or should I say am doing well). Since I did poorly at Meramec and that is part of St. Louis Community College those grades carried over to my Flo Valley GPA. I didn’t have my GPA reevaluated for my General Studies AA, but I did for my Math AA. The General Transfer AA was just like a gimme degree (I had more than enough credits to earn it) (though it did put Webster out of the options because of their stupid policy about only accepting the first Associates). Enough about my poor academic history.

It’s funny. 4 years ago when I went to UMSL I declared math. I had to take a couple gen. ed. courses which SUCKED. I lost credits in my transfer to UMSL (and every other school for that matter) so I decided to go to Flo Valley for an associates. I figured that is something nobody can take away from me. The math AA was just the quickest and easiest path for me. I did think about (after FLO) getting my CS BS degree, but when I found out my math wouldn’t transfer to Webster I realized I wasn’t ready to quit math. When I found out physics was a real possibility it turns out math is the quickest way to get there. Everything brings me in a full circle back to math. Physics is killing me right now too. (I had to read the chapter, do example problems… I am doing everything within my power to do better in that class).

I will be going back to UMSL in fall '09. Fortunately I will have most of my gen. ed. done and wont have to deal too much with the part of the campus I dealt with last time I was there. I will get a whole new math department. At least now I know I am capable.

I never thought I would ever have a decent GPA or join any sort of academic something or other. I never thought I would be honored for anything I ever did in academia. I cried a little. I may be a good student, but it is difficult for me to accept. I don’t know that I ever will accept it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I will surely fail my first physics test. I think the whole class did though, but I like to be different. I studied. I was ready. I was able to do the book homework problems easily, or mostly easily. I freaked. I was nervous, shaking, watching the clock. I was unable to do problems I know how to do. I didn't even get answers, just muddled my way to nowhere. I couldn't get some of the easiest parts. I have to find a way to solve that problem.
On the bright side, in diffy q I got the only A in the class on the test. So it's definitely not all tests I freak on, so far just THAT physics test. I hope whatever happened to me doesn't repeat itself.
On another bright side, I took the class to learn the shit, knowing Bob is tough and I would probably not get the A (but secretly hoping). Since I was able to do the book problems, that means I am learning the shit. I just have to remind myself that I am learning.
Oh, and Bob thought we would hate him after the test. I learned - I still like him.. would do it again if I had the option. Maybe when my GPA lowers on my AA I will be upset, but 10 years from now when it wont matter, I'll be glad about how much I learned. (I guess that is assuming I will learn).

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mini Burning Man

Well, I finally got the branches burned. I had some friends over and we made fire. It was nice, Charlie and Wayne did most of the work. Mom and Bob came out too, so they got to meet my new friends. I argued with Charlie about where the Andromeda galaxy is, turns out I was wrong. So, the lesson there is not to argue with the astronomy instructor about astronomy. Hopefully it will finally be clear Monday night so we can go up on the roof and look up.
I have a physics test Tuesday, I really need to get working on studying.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Survived

I survived my first math test! I spent tons of time over the weekend working on the homework and that was about the extent of my studying. Physics had to go on the back-burner until this weekend. My first physics test is next Tuesday. Since I didn't study as much as I normally would I had to trust that whatever I did do would stick. It did! I was able to figure out the difficult problems, at least the hard parts. I missed a few algebra and arithmetic points, but that's ok. I was able to remember stuff I learned in calc II and III. I'm glad I actually learned the crap instead of just cramming for tests. I can't believe some of the more difficult stuff I managed to remember (logarithmic differentiation, partial fraction decomposition, integration by parts, trig identities, graphing parametric curves, etc.). It's a good feeling. For that I am constantly thanking my calc II and calc III teachers in my head. I usually thank my calc III teacher in my physics class and my calc II teacher in my math class. Calc I I took twice so it just seems like second nature to me. Had I not had a good calc I base I wouldn't have been able to do so well in II and III. Anyway, I am feeling math happy today. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Cue

Recently I have been on a hunt. Hunting for some pool halls in the St. Louis area. I am familiar with some of the Illinois bars, but lack knowledge of some St. Louis spots. Leslie and I did have a good find last night though. We were referred from a friend to try this place down at the corner of Shrewsbury and Big Bend. The place was great. It had good level tables with good felt and rails. The chalk was new (which is always a good sign). The bar was clean and the music wasn't bad. The service was good and the crowd was nice. It is obvious by the trophies on the wall that they have some leagues there that have done well. I just wish it was closer to home. So far it may be the top find as of yet. I belive it is called, "The Cue." (No website located)

Friday, September 12, 2008


I was just thinking about my upcoming weekend. I am supposed to go play poker Saturday, but having second thoughts. I would have to leave my house at 3:00 to get there, but am unsure if I am willing to start my Saturday night that early. I suppose I will, but the school stress is making my hair turn gray. I would have liked to burn the branches sitting in my yard, but it's raining. That wouldn't have required me to leave as early, just cook.

Remind me again why I chose to take physics? Ah yes, because I am more interested in learning about it than getting the grade. Well... Diffy q and physics and work full time is quite the load. Goodbye life, hello books!

I will still do some things. I find it difficult to spend an entire weekend alone in my house studying. It gets very quiet sometimes. Wednesday and Saturday I guess are my best days depending on what is going on with class. Funny, NOFX has a song Shower days (Not their best work). Wednesdays and Saturdays are shower days. Funny. In looking up those links I found the song Food, Sex, and Ewe which is on that album. Now that is better work, not life changing, but catchy. :) Music de-stresses me.

Back to work work.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My Weekend

I had a great weekend last weekend! I got to go over to a new friend's house for the second time. I got to play pool with a couple good people. I got to hang out late and make fire. I liked it over there. Life is good.
Hopefully it is clear Wednesday night. Charlie might take me on top of the library and show me the stars. I know that sound like something it isn't, but it is exactly as it sounds.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I am happy again.

School has started. I was very excited about it, but the beginnings of the semester have been a bit of a roller coaster. I have survived the first two weeks and fully intend to stay on top of things. My physics teacher is awesome/scary as hell! I am shaking in my boots scared of the first test. My math teacher is great! I don't know which class will challenge me more. Probably physics. I will have to actually read the book rather than with math were I just have to refer to it.

I thought I would send an update. It has been a hectic past couple weeks. I am looking forward to the weekend.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

(blog, this is a long entry, more for me then you. How's that for selfish with my own psyche!)
I lived through my first day of both classes. Math was pretty cool. Jen is in class with me and there is a guy in there that was in Calc II with us. He was one of the cool ones too. I felt like an idiot because it was like we are doing the same type of math as pre-algebra, just with a different language and different looking equations (and it was hard). I know that isn't diffy q, but I am glad he started with that. It makes the leap a bit easier. I have considered doing an honors project for this class, seeing as I just found out those projects exist. I talked more in class than I expected, it is a good thing, good sign of a good teacher. But I already knew that. I did get a few things wrong. I had the problem with answering too much in calc II. I used to resist. It is just so hard when people are so tentative about speaking up. I like it better when multiple people speak rather than one. I learn more when I speak and get it wrong. I just don't like being the only one speaking. There were a couple more, but, few and far between. It was the first day of class though, so maybe we will warm up.
Physics was pretty awesome. Math was expected, but physics was much longer awaited for. I was also really looking forward to this professor. I KNOW I will have to work really hard, but his students really learn their stuff. One cool thing was he was comfortable giving me a hard time in class. I thought it was funny and I welcome the notion. I think I will enjoy the class very much as long as I can keep up. I talked in his class too surprisingly enough. I gave him a hard time about a couple things, but all we talked about was the syllabus. Just wait until the hard stuff starts. I'm not afraid to get things wrong, but what if I don't even have a guess at all? One good thing is the class participated. They talked too. I am comfortable with this class. I think they may be a smart group. When he asked tough questions (like what is the British unit for mass) more than one person answered correctly. I didn't know. That makes me happy. Leslie mentioned trying the honors thing there. Why didn't I think of doing that before math? She also said if he didn't think it was for me, he would say so. That's awesome. Do I ask or not? Wait until next week to find out.
Earlier I was asking who takes a 5 credit hour class which doesn't apply towards their major (at that school) the same semester they are supposed to get their AA? I guess I do. This physics class could detriment my GPA. Then, who tries to do a math honors project that same semester? I guess I do. Why the hell would I consider doing a physics honor project? Really, how much time can I spend on school? I was worried I couldn't handle the classes as it is. I guess technically I could tell Rick I decided to do a physics one instead, but I wont do that. I guess there is no permanent repercussion for not succeeding. But, I think there is for me. See what is in my head? One thought just occurred to me as I think out loud...There is no way I wouldn't learn more by attempting this honors crap. The only thing it can really do is help me. It will give me a chance to apply what I am learning to something I do for myself. I have to stick with my guns, that I am in it to learn, and not just for the grade. I can hope to learn more about Maple with my math class, but what to do with physics? I guess Bob has to approve of this in the first place. Maybe I really don't have the time.
Yes, that was a long entry, but I did just finally finish my first two classes this semester.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

I am having a good day. I am finally feeling better and got to listen to tunes today at work. Life is good. All the E-Series are at an offsite in San Diego, I actually got some work done that had been sitting on the back burner. WOO HOO!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nervous for Fall Semester

I just thought I would make a note that I am a tad bit nervous about this upcoming semester. I am taking diffy q and Engineering Physics I. Both of the teachers are excellent teachers, one of which I have had some experience with (math). Both will probably work me to the bone too. It will be like my last summer semester, but four months rather than two. I hope they make it convenient for me and have their tests on alternating weeks. If they could just do that, that would be great. I did bring this on myself. I am familiar with the style of my math teacher, and know I will have to work hard. I have heard that I will have to work pretty hard for the physics teacher also... But, according to some people in the math lab, his students really know their stuff, so I may not get the A, but I will sure as hell learn a lot of stuff. After all learning the stuff is more important than getting the grade (especially if I will be in school for years and years). I don't think the physics teacher hands out many A's. If I do get one, I earned it. We shall see.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Complexity Completed

I finished my book Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos by M. Mitchell Waldrop. I'm glad I read it. I got to learn about many of the scientist that founded the Santa Fe Institute and what they were doing and thinking during that time. It was an introduction to many different sciences and fields, mostly having to do with artificial life and complexity in an economic and biological standpoint. I felt sad when I finished the book that the story ended in the early 1990's and I will have to go look to find out what happened after that.
Upon finishing that book, and my lack of energy today due to being ill, I picked up my next book to read. I wanted to at least read the preface before I take some drugs and try to get to sleep. I picked up A Tour of the Calculus which I had mentioned I wanted to read, mainly because it was funny and must have some incite. I read the preface and got started when it started going on about Isaac Newton. I have read about his life before (for fun as usual), and was thinking. I should probably read a book more on physics. I have had far less physics classes than math classes and since that is the subject I am more curious about right now, it only makes sense for me to read a book more on that line. I mean really, what if I get swayed away from my astronomy dream again? I will get back to the calculus book. It is still scratching at me. After all, I do like math. :)
, the only book currently on my shelf that has anything to do with physics is Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics by Nick Herbert. Yes, it sounds daunting... but I'll give it a go. It says it's in Layman's terms, but we shall see. Maybe after I am more educated I can go back and read it and better understand what was a mystery, or will have been a mystery as I read it now. I know, that sentence didn't make much sense, but in my defense, I am sick. I will probably not finish the book before the semester starts, so hopefully I don't give up too much homework to allow myself to read it from time to time. I did read the preface, and I may be able to understand parts of it. If I can't understand it at all, I will either try to find out what that physics book that was recommended in calc III, or back to my list. (I should probably find out what that book was, though, it sounded good).

I'm Sick Again :(

I don't get sick very often. I think last time I got sick was during Calc II. This time I'm glad it's between semesters. My next semester I am taking a heavy load, so I'm hoping this will be out of my system prior to the first day (a week from tomorrow). I haven't written anything recently, so I feel obligated to say something. This week has been hectic. My brother came into town. I picked him up Wednesday night and haven't seen him since Friday night. I never really have any idea where he is when he's in town. I need to clean my house, but being sick just causes me to want to stay in bed all day. My neck hurts too, so reading isn't the most comfortable thing I could do. I hope my immune system has a good battle strategy ready to go. I am almost out of sick time at work, and am fairly certain I am contaigous. The poor people at work will have to get whatever I have. Yet again another bright side to school having not started yet. I don't like to miss class and would rather go to class with a mask on to prevent germ spreading than miss class (especially science classes). So, that was my week.
OH, I am almost done with Complexity. Good book. I didn't like it at first, but as I went I liked it more. I think it was just the first 50 pages that bothered me. What to read next...

Monday, August 11, 2008

What to do Between Semesters (update)

I decided to research this Mandelbrot and Julia set stuff. The school is closed on Saturdays between semesters (evidently). I finally got out to mom's house Sunday and started my endeavor. Turns out I need to learn about complex numbers and the complex plane. So, I started watching youtube videos from lesson 1 (Since I know virtually nothing about it besides the rare occasion it comes up in class). I only got to spend about 45 minutes on it because when you go out to mom's house, you should probably spend some time with the family. I looked up my plan for UMSL and there is a class I will take "Complex analysis" that I am hoping will help. I may not be able to take that for another year though, so hopefully I can self teach myself. Anyway, I think the best place for me to start is to learn about complex numbers. I have two weeks before class starts, so we shall see. Oh, and I gave up on my equilibrium thoughts. I decided that I am way off, or at least for my current level of education. Is there really anything fun to do with my current level of education besides do my regular homework???

I hope my physics class is fun. It may not be smart to take a 5 credit hour class the same semester as my last math class for my AA. It could possibly lower my GPA on that diploma, which would stink because this class doesn't count towards it. On the optimistic side, it could raise it...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Thank You Note

I thought I might put the note I gave to one of my teachers (below): I was pretty embarrased about it, but teachers aren't appreciated nearly enough.

Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. ~Voltaire

Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. ~Author Unknown

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition. ~Jacques Barzun

The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross

I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. ~Tom Brokaw

No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another. Thank you. ~Author Unknown

Nine-tenths of education is encouragement. ~Anatole France

Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics. ~Dean Schlicter

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~Paul Erdos

Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house. ~Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. ~Cynthia Ozick

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. ~William Arthur Ward

I appreciate you. ~Mercedes

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I just discovered Mandelbrot!

...Probably should have looked into it before, but just now, a few moments ago I did. I did know stuff like this existed, it was just too complicated and intimidating to look into. I finally did just now. I just had to make a note of that. I can't wait to go back to school.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

For Mom

I should probably do something for her, since she does so much for me.

Tomorrow is the day of the haircut... Yep, you heard right. I am finally going to do it. She wants me to look more like a girl... make-up, hair style.. all that junk. Anyway, after she had been so generous lately, I figured I would go through with it. After all, she may be right... Evidently it is this really big deal. Both Diana and mom are coming with a camera to document the occasion. Frankly, I'm a bit nervous. I have been growing my hair pretty much since I shaved it. It doesn't really get past my bra strap before it gets bad (I have really fine hair). I did agree to trust whatever the hair stylist says. Supposedly the person is some big name in St. Louis. I guess Thursday or something I will come update this blog with the pictures. Allison says, there is a chance I may like it. I'm just nervous. We shall see.

Monday, August 4, 2008

What to do over break

I am currently in the early stages of semester break. In the early stages I usually go through withdraw... I don't know what to do with my time and can't wait for the next semester to start. I am in that withdraw stage, but it is much easier this time. I got a new computer which I have been struggling with. There are three books I wanted to read... well, one I want to finish and two I want to start and finish. They are all three good books, but one of them is quite large and probably not a good idea to start (Space). It is a bit old (1982) and is a lower priority. I did read a book during the last semester (Simplexity). Fortunately it wasn't very long and it was a really page turner. I did sacrifice some homework that weekend and a little sleep, but it was worth it. I am trying to finish Complexity, which is just about as good. I'm only about half-way though it, but it is about some of the people that started off the Santa Fe Institute. The other book I want to read is a crazy calculus book (A Tour of the Calculus). I don't know how it will go, but when I first opened it I thought it was funny. Yes, a math book that I think may be funny. One of my last teachers actually gave us a handout with an excerpt from that book. A year later I finally got around to reading it and laughed. I don't know if it was just the beer I was drinking at the time or not, but I went to the bookstore and picked that up along with The Variations of Scientific Experience. I am excited to have some good books to read. Diana also gave me some more from her collection. I think one of them is love letters by Einstein. That I am curious about. Anyway, I hadn't written anything in a couple days, now you know why.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


And anyone that says otherwise sucks!

I have been wanting to write something about my experiences at FLO Valley. Actually, to be precise I have written quite a bit about my experiences there. One was a thank you note to a teacher. One was an “Ode to the FLO Valley Calculus Teachers.” The thank you note will have to wait quite some time before I show it to anyone. The Ode is just too long and nobody wants to read that anyway. How do you thank the people that have meant such a great deal to you? When I figure it out, I will be sure to do something, but for now, just know it is on my mind.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Equilibrium Stole Some Sleep from Me

I am troubled somewhat by something I learned in class last semester. It has to do with the wolf/rabbit populations. The book implies that there is always a balance between rabbits and wolves according to this handy little vector field. We learned no matter where you start on the phase trajectory you will always end up on the path. There are equilibrium points along that trajectory. This is all well and good, but so many factors can change anything. Fortunately the book says there are many equilibrium points. I guess that means there isn’t a general equilibrium, it is just at that place in that time, with that weather and external forces there is an equilibrium point. How is that an equilibrium though, isn’t it just a point? If there are 500 wolves and 10 rabbits, hell, we’ll just call that equilibrium point. If there are 1000 rabbits and 50 wolves, well hell, there’s another equilibrium point. What are the criteria for an equilibrium point? Could it just be within a function? Does the book say there are many equilibrium points to avoid any problems that might be caused by a minor change in any one of the environmental factors? Can’t one small change at one early point send the whole function into madness? I have to give Frank credit. He did mention that. Yes, I looked back at some of my notes last night found this in red, “In a chaotic system a change of just one rabbit can change the entire equation into spirals and fractals.” (He didn’t want to go into it, and I think I can see why). Can we just call any one of those chaos points an equilibrium point? Are there equilibrium points when we have a chaotic function? What the hell, why not call every point an equilibrium point? Is Stewart (textbook author) just giving us a way to solve a problem in easy terms so in the future we learn that that was just a way to introduce a more difficult concept? Math texts like to do that. Or is it just that I hadn’t slept enough and read too much before I ‘tried’ to go to sleep. It could be that I just remember it wrong. Fortunately in math you get to learn things more than once.

I know later on in my college endeavor this answer might be more obvious and I may laugh at the fact that I was even up last night thinking about this. I could be way off base.

Those damn rabbits.

Friday, July 25, 2008

University of Missouri St. Louis (UMSL) Math it is!

Washington University (WU) would take at least seven years to get my undergrad in physics (and that is if everything goes perfectly). At UMSL it will probably only take about four years to get my math undergrad. The ultimate goal is the graduate program at WU, the quickest way to get there is via UMSL. UMSL may have more evening classes available, so I wouldn’t have to mess with my work schedule as much, and it is slightly closer than WU.

I took my calc III final on the 23rd. I had a 99% overall in the class prior to that. I only needed a 53% on the final to get an A in the class. Every time I sat down to study I felt like I was just repeating stuff. I know the formulas; I guess I just got burnt. I didn’t do as well on the final as I was capable, but am still confident I will get an A. I think I would have rather done poorly on one of the test and better on the final than vise versa. I will miss that class though. It was actually quite enjoyable.

I’ve been quite lucky with my math teachers at FLO. Anne Marie Mosher is a great teacher and has become a friend. John Hake doesn’t know it, but he helped me get away from computer science and stick with what I like doing. I wasn’t ready to stop taking math classes. Frank Brooks, he helped me remember what I always wanted to do (I don’t have a link for him). I have always been interested in astronomy. He told me about some of the teachers at WU and what they are working on. That was all I had to hear.

The whole summer semester I have been trying to figure out the best way to get into physics. It is ironic that at the beginning of the semester I was going to got to UMSL math, and now at the end it is not really still, but back to UMSL math. In May I wasn’t sure. I just wanted to take more math classes. Now (July) I am sure of what I want to do. It has been a hell of a semester, thought provoking, enlightening, and motivating. I’m glad I went through it. I still have some minor decisions, but the major ones are past me… for now.

(and no, I will never quit writing about school)

And now for something completely different!

I went to The Muny for the first time last night. Anne Marie, Rick Armstrong, his wife Fran and I went to see Miss Saigon. It was sad and awesome! There was a real helicopter flying overhead for one of the scenes. Prior to the Muny we went to this great Greek restaurant. I can’t remember the name, but if I find out I will update. It was soooo good. I felt really special being in their company. Anne and Rick are great. I have met them both before at school. Fran was very impressive. It was nice to be around her. It is always nice to be around intelligent people.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Physics at Wash U

I have finally come to a decision about school (again). I was on a math path when I met someone that made me think. He wondered why, if I like astronomy so much, don’t I just major in physics. He told me about some of the projects the physics professors at Washington University are teaching and I was immediately enthralled. I thought about it for a long time. I don’t know what took me so long. Now that I have decided on physics it seems like it was the obvious thing to do from the start. After all, it was the first thing I wanted to declare way back when I just started.

I should be sure to thank him.

There are still some details to work out. I may not be able to register for this fall because I missed the cut-off for applications. I may have to pay taxes on my tuition, and I don’t even know how much that is going to be. If I have to, I will get financial aid for the taxes. OH, and I still have to get accepted. I have to work my work schedule around it as well. It is what I want and I will take the risk and go for it.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Well, I got up early today. There was an earthquake about 130 miles away from me. Funny thing is I'm in St. Louis. The quake was in IL though. It was a 5.2 at 4:30 in the morning. I stayed up and went to work early to work on some math. Finally the aftershock came at 10:15. They say the main quake was about a 4 at my house. Funny, that was what I estimated right after it happened. It was strange, because I hadn't felt one since we moved here, 20 years or so ago, but I still knew what it was right away. I guess all that duck and cover training when I was a kid stuck with me, though I didn't bother to get up because it wasn't that bad.

Anyway, an earthquake in St. Louis is worth mentioning, so there, I mentioned it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sick, but not in the head

Well, I had an appendectomy on 2/12. I thought I would be out of work a week, but I was out for 3 weeks and still not 100%. There is still some pain; I guess I am just a slow healer. I basically got to sit at home and play video games. It was hard to do any homework because of the drugs, and I couldn’t really sit for about 2.5 weeks. It is still difficult to sit for long periods, bend over to pick something off the floor, laugh, caugh, and sneeze.

On the bright side, there isn’t a conflict in the fall, so I will be able to be dual enrolled at Webster and be able to finish my AA in Math. WOO HOO! Too bad math is voluntary, but I wouldn't miss it for the world. :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Don't Worry, I'll Never Shut Up About School

No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to shut up.

They offer Calc III this summer. I might be able to get my AA in December!!! It is only offered in the evening, so maybe some people that would have taken it during the day will take it at night, therefore more people to sign up and less chance it will be dropped. Jen already said she would take it too. I’m excited. WOO HOO!

More School News: Instead of trying to decide between Math and General Transfer Associate degrees. I will graduate with my General Transfer Associate in Spring 08 and continue on with my AA in Math at Flo Valley, and Dual enroll at Webster for the computer classes. Hopefully there is not conflict between the classes.

On a sad note, Webster only accepts the credits from the first AA. Calculus III and Differential Equations might not count for anything, except of course the value it will give me in my programming classes, logical reasoning skills, and the AA in Math.

Mom says it isn’t worth my time and effort. I would love to go further in math.

Friday, January 4, 2008

0 + 2 + 1

Holidays are over and it’s back to work. I sent cards to my cousins and new-found grandparents. One set actually wrote back. As far as I know, it is the first contact I have ever had with them. I know once when Jamie and I went out to Seattle we met the cousins and grandparents, I may have been 12 or so, but I don’t know which set it was. His parents are both divorced and both remarried.

New Years was fun. We went to Noonan's. I actually won $12 in poker. Baumgart took some funny videos of Betz, and I have some good pictures. The video's wont be posted though.

School starts in a week. Calc II and English 2. I hear my math teacher is the casual funny type, but we’ll see. At least I have my study buddy/friend with me. English doesn’t start until March or something. It was so someone could take English 1 and English 2 in the same semester. After this semester all I have left is Calc III and Differential Equations. I always thought saving English for the end would be like a break from the hectic classes, but that was when I was going to be doing Chemistry at the end. Now that it is just math, English has become a pain. I will be happy when it is just math left. Though, I have to see if I can take the last two in the same semester… It is asking a lot of myself, and I don’t even know if the classes will overlap or not. BUT, if they don’t Jen might take them both too. I don’t see myself taking both; I might take a CS class or something else fun. I am SOO glad I only have one Gen Ed class left. I can’t wait to talk to Webster, I hear they take a lot of transfer credits, and I probably should have gone there rather than getting a community college AA, but I was sick and tired of losing credits with every transfer.. UMSL said I have like 4 years left, and Webster has a different system where you can take more classes in a year. I’m excited to go there, wish I didn’t have to wait another year.

Enough about school…

James is a corporal now! He got promoted yesterday. I don’t know if and when he will be home next and whether or not it will be permanent or not.

I spent a week dog-sitting. I mean really, how much does one dog really need to play buddy glow ball when it's TWO degree's outside?