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Thursday, September 25, 2008


I will surely fail my first physics test. I think the whole class did though, but I like to be different. I studied. I was ready. I was able to do the book homework problems easily, or mostly easily. I freaked. I was nervous, shaking, watching the clock. I was unable to do problems I know how to do. I didn't even get answers, just muddled my way to nowhere. I couldn't get some of the easiest parts. I have to find a way to solve that problem.
On the bright side, in diffy q I got the only A in the class on the test. So it's definitely not all tests I freak on, so far just THAT physics test. I hope whatever happened to me doesn't repeat itself.
On another bright side, I took the class to learn the shit, knowing Bob is tough and I would probably not get the A (but secretly hoping). Since I was able to do the book problems, that means I am learning the shit. I just have to remind myself that I am learning.
Oh, and Bob thought we would hate him after the test. I learned - I still like him.. would do it again if I had the option. Maybe when my GPA lowers on my AA I will be upset, but 10 years from now when it wont matter, I'll be glad about how much I learned. (I guess that is assuming I will learn).

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