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Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Survived

I survived my first math test! I spent tons of time over the weekend working on the homework and that was about the extent of my studying. Physics had to go on the back-burner until this weekend. My first physics test is next Tuesday. Since I didn't study as much as I normally would I had to trust that whatever I did do would stick. It did! I was able to figure out the difficult problems, at least the hard parts. I missed a few algebra and arithmetic points, but that's ok. I was able to remember stuff I learned in calc II and III. I'm glad I actually learned the crap instead of just cramming for tests. I can't believe some of the more difficult stuff I managed to remember (logarithmic differentiation, partial fraction decomposition, integration by parts, trig identities, graphing parametric curves, etc.). It's a good feeling. For that I am constantly thanking my calc II and calc III teachers in my head. I usually thank my calc III teacher in my physics class and my calc II teacher in my math class. Calc I I took twice so it just seems like second nature to me. Had I not had a good calc I base I wouldn't have been able to do so well in II and III. Anyway, I am feeling math happy today. :)

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