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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bullet Points

My last few days have been quite hectic. Instead of writing one huge entry, I will bullet it.

-Friday night - Did math homework
-Saturday morning - Did math (practically finished)
-Saturday night - Poker (H.O.R.S.E) did decent
-Sunday morning - Wrecked car (glad I had math done) Not physically injured
-Sunday night - good food, good pool, good company
-Monday morning - did NOT want to drive.. took a half day
-Monday night - Math class (decided not to do physic labs, not thinking clearly)
-Tuesday morning - Could not multi-task at work
-Tuesday evening - Went to visit UMSL physics dept. Mom's (loaner) car died
Got a jump
-Tuesday later evening - physics class.. didn't want to go, but it turned out well
Got a Jump
-Wednesday morning - car wouldn't start called Bob
-Wednesday morning - Bob came to jump/take car, leave truck.. car started
-Wednesday day - didn't enjoy work, but later it got better
-Wednesday night is tonight.
Friday is Halloween!

One thing though. I have been going on more intuition lately (The last few months). I don't know why I did my math Friday night, usually I do my physics first. I didn't plan on Sunday being so eventful. I allowed myself to be comfortable with my friends later that day, even though I was kind of... well, a little off.
My phone was almost dead (battery) Tuesday. I turned it off just in case I needed it for an emergency. Mom's car died and I needed it.

Small decisions I have made have not turned out badly. Are my intuitions on? I hope so. (There is the exception of the mistake I made which caused me to turn my car around 180 and up 90 into a ditch). It was an accident though. (I will presumably write more about that at a later time)

It is scary to make decisions on intuition rather than logic.

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