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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's OK to Have a Bad Semester

I was doing fine until I wrecked my car. I had a hard time studying and focusing at work. I was able to fall just about two weeks behind, and with two hard classes. Is that even recoverable? I took a physics test last night. I was more prepared than I thought I was, but still missed a couple of the thinking problems and a BIG 24 point application problem. I do remember that I was in this to learn, even if it does negatively impact my GPA on my AA transcript.

I have a math test next week. I haven’t gotten all the homework done (which is not like me), but the good news is I understand it. I just need a little practice and I have this weekend to do that. Physics just takes so much more thought and time. Next semester I am only going to take Engineering Physics 2. That will finally allow me to have class only two days a week rather than four, and I can’t remember the last semester I only had one class. This will be my last semester at Flo. Off to UMSL after that. Will it be math? Will it be physics? Today, it is math, so I can get the BS a year earlier. Then I can finally do physics.

On a personal note, (Which I don’t do very often… I have found most of my writing is school related) I have some new friends. That makes me happy.

I am very excited for the break. Partially to have a break from school (which I rarely like) and the holiday work break. I cannot wait for that!!

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