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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

For Mom

I should probably do something for her, since she does so much for me.

Tomorrow is the day of the haircut... Yep, you heard right. I am finally going to do it. She wants me to look more like a girl... make-up, hair style.. all that junk. Anyway, after she had been so generous lately, I figured I would go through with it. After all, she may be right... Evidently it is this really big deal. Both Diana and mom are coming with a camera to document the occasion. Frankly, I'm a bit nervous. I have been growing my hair pretty much since I shaved it. It doesn't really get past my bra strap before it gets bad (I have really fine hair). I did agree to trust whatever the hair stylist says. Supposedly the person is some big name in St. Louis. I guess Thursday or something I will come update this blog with the pictures. Allison says, there is a chance I may like it. I'm just nervous. We shall see.

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