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Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm Sick Again :(

I don't get sick very often. I think last time I got sick was during Calc II. This time I'm glad it's between semesters. My next semester I am taking a heavy load, so I'm hoping this will be out of my system prior to the first day (a week from tomorrow). I haven't written anything recently, so I feel obligated to say something. This week has been hectic. My brother came into town. I picked him up Wednesday night and haven't seen him since Friday night. I never really have any idea where he is when he's in town. I need to clean my house, but being sick just causes me to want to stay in bed all day. My neck hurts too, so reading isn't the most comfortable thing I could do. I hope my immune system has a good battle strategy ready to go. I am almost out of sick time at work, and am fairly certain I am contaigous. The poor people at work will have to get whatever I have. Yet again another bright side to school having not started yet. I don't like to miss class and would rather go to class with a mask on to prevent germ spreading than miss class (especially science classes). So, that was my week.
OH, I am almost done with Complexity. Good book. I didn't like it at first, but as I went I liked it more. I think it was just the first 50 pages that bothered me. What to read next...

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