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Monday, August 11, 2008

What to do Between Semesters (update)

I decided to research this Mandelbrot and Julia set stuff. The school is closed on Saturdays between semesters (evidently). I finally got out to mom's house Sunday and started my endeavor. Turns out I need to learn about complex numbers and the complex plane. So, I started watching youtube videos from lesson 1 (Since I know virtually nothing about it besides the rare occasion it comes up in class). I only got to spend about 45 minutes on it because when you go out to mom's house, you should probably spend some time with the family. I looked up my plan for UMSL and there is a class I will take "Complex analysis" that I am hoping will help. I may not be able to take that for another year though, so hopefully I can self teach myself. Anyway, I think the best place for me to start is to learn about complex numbers. I have two weeks before class starts, so we shall see. Oh, and I gave up on my equilibrium thoughts. I decided that I am way off, or at least for my current level of education. Is there really anything fun to do with my current level of education besides do my regular homework???

I hope my physics class is fun. It may not be smart to take a 5 credit hour class the same semester as my last math class for my AA. It could possibly lower my GPA on that diploma, which would stink because this class doesn't count towards it. On the optimistic side, it could raise it...

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