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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

(blog, this is a long entry, more for me then you. How's that for selfish with my own psyche!)
I lived through my first day of both classes. Math was pretty cool. Jen is in class with me and there is a guy in there that was in Calc II with us. He was one of the cool ones too. I felt like an idiot because it was like we are doing the same type of math as pre-algebra, just with a different language and different looking equations (and it was hard). I know that isn't diffy q, but I am glad he started with that. It makes the leap a bit easier. I have considered doing an honors project for this class, seeing as I just found out those projects exist. I talked more in class than I expected, it is a good thing, good sign of a good teacher. But I already knew that. I did get a few things wrong. I had the problem with answering too much in calc II. I used to resist. It is just so hard when people are so tentative about speaking up. I like it better when multiple people speak rather than one. I learn more when I speak and get it wrong. I just don't like being the only one speaking. There were a couple more, but, few and far between. It was the first day of class though, so maybe we will warm up.
Physics was pretty awesome. Math was expected, but physics was much longer awaited for. I was also really looking forward to this professor. I KNOW I will have to work really hard, but his students really learn their stuff. One cool thing was he was comfortable giving me a hard time in class. I thought it was funny and I welcome the notion. I think I will enjoy the class very much as long as I can keep up. I talked in his class too surprisingly enough. I gave him a hard time about a couple things, but all we talked about was the syllabus. Just wait until the hard stuff starts. I'm not afraid to get things wrong, but what if I don't even have a guess at all? One good thing is the class participated. They talked too. I am comfortable with this class. I think they may be a smart group. When he asked tough questions (like what is the British unit for mass) more than one person answered correctly. I didn't know. That makes me happy. Leslie mentioned trying the honors thing there. Why didn't I think of doing that before math? She also said if he didn't think it was for me, he would say so. That's awesome. Do I ask or not? Wait until next week to find out.
Earlier I was asking who takes a 5 credit hour class which doesn't apply towards their major (at that school) the same semester they are supposed to get their AA? I guess I do. This physics class could detriment my GPA. Then, who tries to do a math honors project that same semester? I guess I do. Why the hell would I consider doing a physics honor project? Really, how much time can I spend on school? I was worried I couldn't handle the classes as it is. I guess technically I could tell Rick I decided to do a physics one instead, but I wont do that. I guess there is no permanent repercussion for not succeeding. But, I think there is for me. See what is in my head? One thought just occurred to me as I think out loud...There is no way I wouldn't learn more by attempting this honors crap. The only thing it can really do is help me. It will give me a chance to apply what I am learning to something I do for myself. I have to stick with my guns, that I am in it to learn, and not just for the grade. I can hope to learn more about Maple with my math class, but what to do with physics? I guess Bob has to approve of this in the first place. Maybe I really don't have the time.
Yes, that was a long entry, but I did just finally finish my first two classes this semester.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

I am having a good day. I am finally feeling better and got to listen to tunes today at work. Life is good. All the E-Series are at an offsite in San Diego, I actually got some work done that had been sitting on the back burner. WOO HOO!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nervous for Fall Semester

I just thought I would make a note that I am a tad bit nervous about this upcoming semester. I am taking diffy q and Engineering Physics I. Both of the teachers are excellent teachers, one of which I have had some experience with (math). Both will probably work me to the bone too. It will be like my last summer semester, but four months rather than two. I hope they make it convenient for me and have their tests on alternating weeks. If they could just do that, that would be great. I did bring this on myself. I am familiar with the style of my math teacher, and know I will have to work hard. I have heard that I will have to work pretty hard for the physics teacher also... But, according to some people in the math lab, his students really know their stuff, so I may not get the A, but I will sure as hell learn a lot of stuff. After all learning the stuff is more important than getting the grade (especially if I will be in school for years and years). I don't think the physics teacher hands out many A's. If I do get one, I earned it. We shall see.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Complexity Completed

I finished my book Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos by M. Mitchell Waldrop. I'm glad I read it. I got to learn about many of the scientist that founded the Santa Fe Institute and what they were doing and thinking during that time. It was an introduction to many different sciences and fields, mostly having to do with artificial life and complexity in an economic and biological standpoint. I felt sad when I finished the book that the story ended in the early 1990's and I will have to go look to find out what happened after that.
Upon finishing that book, and my lack of energy today due to being ill, I picked up my next book to read. I wanted to at least read the preface before I take some drugs and try to get to sleep. I picked up A Tour of the Calculus which I had mentioned I wanted to read, mainly because it was funny and must have some incite. I read the preface and got started when it started going on about Isaac Newton. I have read about his life before (for fun as usual), and was thinking. I should probably read a book more on physics. I have had far less physics classes than math classes and since that is the subject I am more curious about right now, it only makes sense for me to read a book more on that line. I mean really, what if I get swayed away from my astronomy dream again? I will get back to the calculus book. It is still scratching at me. After all, I do like math. :)
, the only book currently on my shelf that has anything to do with physics is Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics by Nick Herbert. Yes, it sounds daunting... but I'll give it a go. It says it's in Layman's terms, but we shall see. Maybe after I am more educated I can go back and read it and better understand what was a mystery, or will have been a mystery as I read it now. I know, that sentence didn't make much sense, but in my defense, I am sick. I will probably not finish the book before the semester starts, so hopefully I don't give up too much homework to allow myself to read it from time to time. I did read the preface, and I may be able to understand parts of it. If I can't understand it at all, I will either try to find out what that physics book that was recommended in calc III, or back to my list. (I should probably find out what that book was, though, it sounded good).

I'm Sick Again :(

I don't get sick very often. I think last time I got sick was during Calc II. This time I'm glad it's between semesters. My next semester I am taking a heavy load, so I'm hoping this will be out of my system prior to the first day (a week from tomorrow). I haven't written anything recently, so I feel obligated to say something. This week has been hectic. My brother came into town. I picked him up Wednesday night and haven't seen him since Friday night. I never really have any idea where he is when he's in town. I need to clean my house, but being sick just causes me to want to stay in bed all day. My neck hurts too, so reading isn't the most comfortable thing I could do. I hope my immune system has a good battle strategy ready to go. I am almost out of sick time at work, and am fairly certain I am contaigous. The poor people at work will have to get whatever I have. Yet again another bright side to school having not started yet. I don't like to miss class and would rather go to class with a mask on to prevent germ spreading than miss class (especially science classes). So, that was my week.
OH, I am almost done with Complexity. Good book. I didn't like it at first, but as I went I liked it more. I think it was just the first 50 pages that bothered me. What to read next...

Monday, August 11, 2008

What to do Between Semesters (update)

I decided to research this Mandelbrot and Julia set stuff. The school is closed on Saturdays between semesters (evidently). I finally got out to mom's house Sunday and started my endeavor. Turns out I need to learn about complex numbers and the complex plane. So, I started watching youtube videos from lesson 1 (Since I know virtually nothing about it besides the rare occasion it comes up in class). I only got to spend about 45 minutes on it because when you go out to mom's house, you should probably spend some time with the family. I looked up my plan for UMSL and there is a class I will take "Complex analysis" that I am hoping will help. I may not be able to take that for another year though, so hopefully I can self teach myself. Anyway, I think the best place for me to start is to learn about complex numbers. I have two weeks before class starts, so we shall see. Oh, and I gave up on my equilibrium thoughts. I decided that I am way off, or at least for my current level of education. Is there really anything fun to do with my current level of education besides do my regular homework???

I hope my physics class is fun. It may not be smart to take a 5 credit hour class the same semester as my last math class for my AA. It could possibly lower my GPA on that diploma, which would stink because this class doesn't count towards it. On the optimistic side, it could raise it...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Thank You Note

I thought I might put the note I gave to one of my teachers (below): I was pretty embarrased about it, but teachers aren't appreciated nearly enough.

Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. ~Voltaire

Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. ~Author Unknown

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition. ~Jacques Barzun

The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross

I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. ~Tom Brokaw

No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another. Thank you. ~Author Unknown

Nine-tenths of education is encouragement. ~Anatole France

Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics. ~Dean Schlicter

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~Paul Erdos

Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house. ~Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. ~Cynthia Ozick

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. ~William Arthur Ward

I appreciate you. ~Mercedes

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I just discovered Mandelbrot!

...Probably should have looked into it before, but just now, a few moments ago I did. I did know stuff like this existed, it was just too complicated and intimidating to look into. I finally did just now. I just had to make a note of that. I can't wait to go back to school.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

For Mom

I should probably do something for her, since she does so much for me.

Tomorrow is the day of the haircut... Yep, you heard right. I am finally going to do it. She wants me to look more like a girl... make-up, hair style.. all that junk. Anyway, after she had been so generous lately, I figured I would go through with it. After all, she may be right... Evidently it is this really big deal. Both Diana and mom are coming with a camera to document the occasion. Frankly, I'm a bit nervous. I have been growing my hair pretty much since I shaved it. It doesn't really get past my bra strap before it gets bad (I have really fine hair). I did agree to trust whatever the hair stylist says. Supposedly the person is some big name in St. Louis. I guess Thursday or something I will come update this blog with the pictures. Allison says, there is a chance I may like it. I'm just nervous. We shall see.

Monday, August 4, 2008

What to do over break

I am currently in the early stages of semester break. In the early stages I usually go through withdraw... I don't know what to do with my time and can't wait for the next semester to start. I am in that withdraw stage, but it is much easier this time. I got a new computer which I have been struggling with. There are three books I wanted to read... well, one I want to finish and two I want to start and finish. They are all three good books, but one of them is quite large and probably not a good idea to start (Space). It is a bit old (1982) and is a lower priority. I did read a book during the last semester (Simplexity). Fortunately it wasn't very long and it was a really page turner. I did sacrifice some homework that weekend and a little sleep, but it was worth it. I am trying to finish Complexity, which is just about as good. I'm only about half-way though it, but it is about some of the people that started off the Santa Fe Institute. The other book I want to read is a crazy calculus book (A Tour of the Calculus). I don't know how it will go, but when I first opened it I thought it was funny. Yes, a math book that I think may be funny. One of my last teachers actually gave us a handout with an excerpt from that book. A year later I finally got around to reading it and laughed. I don't know if it was just the beer I was drinking at the time or not, but I went to the bookstore and picked that up along with The Variations of Scientific Experience. I am excited to have some good books to read. Diana also gave me some more from her collection. I think one of them is love letters by Einstein. That I am curious about. Anyway, I hadn't written anything in a couple days, now you know why.