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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Well, I joined Phi Theta Kappa.

I don’t know what this school has done differently, but it has made an obvious impact. It is no wonder I have so many previous entries about how much I like it there.

Thanks to all of those who have helped me (and are still).

Special thanks to the calculus series teachers and the friends with whom I studied. Had that series not gone so well, I may not be where I am now.

I know my reputation at Flo Valley is that of a good student. I do my homework, I get good grades, I go to class… All that…

I wasn’t always a good student. I did start out at Meramec back in the mid 1990’s where I didn’t do so well. I went to Blackburn College where I didn’t do so well. I went to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville where I didn’t do so well. I went to the University of Missouri St. Louis where I didn’t do so well. Finally I landed at Florissant Valley, where I did do well (or should I say am doing well). Since I did poorly at Meramec and that is part of St. Louis Community College those grades carried over to my Flo Valley GPA. I didn’t have my GPA reevaluated for my General Studies AA, but I did for my Math AA. The General Transfer AA was just like a gimme degree (I had more than enough credits to earn it) (though it did put Webster out of the options because of their stupid policy about only accepting the first Associates). Enough about my poor academic history.

It’s funny. 4 years ago when I went to UMSL I declared math. I had to take a couple gen. ed. courses which SUCKED. I lost credits in my transfer to UMSL (and every other school for that matter) so I decided to go to Flo Valley for an associates. I figured that is something nobody can take away from me. The math AA was just the quickest and easiest path for me. I did think about (after FLO) getting my CS BS degree, but when I found out my math wouldn’t transfer to Webster I realized I wasn’t ready to quit math. When I found out physics was a real possibility it turns out math is the quickest way to get there. Everything brings me in a full circle back to math. Physics is killing me right now too. (I had to read the chapter, do example problems… I am doing everything within my power to do better in that class).

I will be going back to UMSL in fall '09. Fortunately I will have most of my gen. ed. done and wont have to deal too much with the part of the campus I dealt with last time I was there. I will get a whole new math department. At least now I know I am capable.

I never thought I would ever have a decent GPA or join any sort of academic something or other. I never thought I would be honored for anything I ever did in academia. I cried a little. I may be a good student, but it is difficult for me to accept. I don’t know that I ever will accept it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I will surely fail my first physics test. I think the whole class did though, but I like to be different. I studied. I was ready. I was able to do the book homework problems easily, or mostly easily. I freaked. I was nervous, shaking, watching the clock. I was unable to do problems I know how to do. I didn't even get answers, just muddled my way to nowhere. I couldn't get some of the easiest parts. I have to find a way to solve that problem.
On the bright side, in diffy q I got the only A in the class on the test. So it's definitely not all tests I freak on, so far just THAT physics test. I hope whatever happened to me doesn't repeat itself.
On another bright side, I took the class to learn the shit, knowing Bob is tough and I would probably not get the A (but secretly hoping). Since I was able to do the book problems, that means I am learning the shit. I just have to remind myself that I am learning.
Oh, and Bob thought we would hate him after the test. I learned - I still like him.. would do it again if I had the option. Maybe when my GPA lowers on my AA I will be upset, but 10 years from now when it wont matter, I'll be glad about how much I learned. (I guess that is assuming I will learn).

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mini Burning Man

Well, I finally got the branches burned. I had some friends over and we made fire. It was nice, Charlie and Wayne did most of the work. Mom and Bob came out too, so they got to meet my new friends. I argued with Charlie about where the Andromeda galaxy is, turns out I was wrong. So, the lesson there is not to argue with the astronomy instructor about astronomy. Hopefully it will finally be clear Monday night so we can go up on the roof and look up.
I have a physics test Tuesday, I really need to get working on studying.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Survived

I survived my first math test! I spent tons of time over the weekend working on the homework and that was about the extent of my studying. Physics had to go on the back-burner until this weekend. My first physics test is next Tuesday. Since I didn't study as much as I normally would I had to trust that whatever I did do would stick. It did! I was able to figure out the difficult problems, at least the hard parts. I missed a few algebra and arithmetic points, but that's ok. I was able to remember stuff I learned in calc II and III. I'm glad I actually learned the crap instead of just cramming for tests. I can't believe some of the more difficult stuff I managed to remember (logarithmic differentiation, partial fraction decomposition, integration by parts, trig identities, graphing parametric curves, etc.). It's a good feeling. For that I am constantly thanking my calc II and calc III teachers in my head. I usually thank my calc III teacher in my physics class and my calc II teacher in my math class. Calc I I took twice so it just seems like second nature to me. Had I not had a good calc I base I wouldn't have been able to do so well in II and III. Anyway, I am feeling math happy today. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Cue

Recently I have been on a hunt. Hunting for some pool halls in the St. Louis area. I am familiar with some of the Illinois bars, but lack knowledge of some St. Louis spots. Leslie and I did have a good find last night though. We were referred from a friend to try this place down at the corner of Shrewsbury and Big Bend. The place was great. It had good level tables with good felt and rails. The chalk was new (which is always a good sign). The bar was clean and the music wasn't bad. The service was good and the crowd was nice. It is obvious by the trophies on the wall that they have some leagues there that have done well. I just wish it was closer to home. So far it may be the top find as of yet. I belive it is called, "The Cue." (No website located)

Friday, September 12, 2008


I was just thinking about my upcoming weekend. I am supposed to go play poker Saturday, but having second thoughts. I would have to leave my house at 3:00 to get there, but am unsure if I am willing to start my Saturday night that early. I suppose I will, but the school stress is making my hair turn gray. I would have liked to burn the branches sitting in my yard, but it's raining. That wouldn't have required me to leave as early, just cook.

Remind me again why I chose to take physics? Ah yes, because I am more interested in learning about it than getting the grade. Well... Diffy q and physics and work full time is quite the load. Goodbye life, hello books!

I will still do some things. I find it difficult to spend an entire weekend alone in my house studying. It gets very quiet sometimes. Wednesday and Saturday I guess are my best days depending on what is going on with class. Funny, NOFX has a song Shower days (Not their best work). Wednesdays and Saturdays are shower days. Funny. In looking up those links I found the song Food, Sex, and Ewe which is on that album. Now that is better work, not life changing, but catchy. :) Music de-stresses me.

Back to work work.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My Weekend

I had a great weekend last weekend! I got to go over to a new friend's house for the second time. I got to play pool with a couple good people. I got to hang out late and make fire. I liked it over there. Life is good.
Hopefully it is clear Wednesday night. Charlie might take me on top of the library and show me the stars. I know that sound like something it isn't, but it is exactly as it sounds.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I am happy again.

School has started. I was very excited about it, but the beginnings of the semester have been a bit of a roller coaster. I have survived the first two weeks and fully intend to stay on top of things. My physics teacher is awesome/scary as hell! I am shaking in my boots scared of the first test. My math teacher is great! I don't know which class will challenge me more. Probably physics. I will have to actually read the book rather than with math were I just have to refer to it.

I thought I would send an update. It has been a hectic past couple weeks. I am looking forward to the weekend.