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Friday, September 18, 2009

Quick Update

I keep telling myself to update, but I keep not updating.

I am ecstatically happy in Baltimore. It's finally starting to feel like home. My car just goes some places now without me having to focus as much. Yes, I still focus on my driving, but I don't have to focus on missing the road as much... most of the time... to places I know.

I have been here 7 weeks and have read almost 5 books. I'm in love with the Pelbar series. I sometimes don't want to get to work because I have to put the book down. I'm excited that I finally started reading regularly.

Matt is absolutely wonderful. I'm gone a lot of the day and he is super supportive. We get to go camping in a couple weeks. I haven't been camping since before I moved back to St. Louis (2004 I think). He has MORE camping supplies than I ever did. I have a feeling I'll be a bit more spoiled than normal.

Work in DC is pretty cool. I'm getting used to seeing the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial every day. My body just goes to the correct places for the Metro now too, I don't have to focus on that either.

All in all this move was more than worth it. It was great when I first got here and it's only getting better.

What I am not doing is taking enough pictures. This weekend we have Alex and Eric's housewarming party to attend. I hope I not only bring my camera, but take a few pictures too.

James goes to Afghanistan on October 31st. Our wedding date is June 24th, 2010.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Moved - Day 1 of New Job

Well, I need to write this stuff down before it gets too late.

I moved to Baltimore. I went from Missouri – Illinois – Ohio – West Virginia – Pennsylvania – Maryland. I left Thursday (7/30) after work, stayed in Indianapolis and arrived at home (aww) Friday (7/31). I was exhausted, but managed to make it through the weekend. I was so relieved to make it. I was worried it would never actually happen… But it did.
I was very nervous for my first day of work. I only slept three hours that night. That was ok though, I wasn’t worried about being too tired. I was a little worried that it would be more difficult to think. I already knew where the train station was and how to get there. I had taken taxis to Matt’s from there before, and we drove there Sunday so I would really know for sure.
I bought a ticket one way ($7) and got on the train. I didn’t bring anything to read, just my work laptop and purse. I did grab a paper that morning, but didn’t open it. I was excited about the scenery. That train (The Marc train) is about an hour. I was surprised at how comfortable it was. I can compare it to an airplane I guess, but more spacious. That was the easy part. The train left from Penn Station Baltimore, and arrived at Union Station Washington DC. I got off the train and followed the crowd.
The crowd split. I just went one way. I could not find the entrance to the Metro (DC Subway). I didn’t want to ask. I saw signs for it, but it took a few minutes. Later I learned there are two entrances, hence why the crowd split.
I knew I had to buy some sort of ticket. I stood in front of the machines for probably two or three minutes. I got brave and walked up. I figured out how to buy a day pass. That was $7 (which seemed like a lot). I saw a cop-type lady and asked her how to get to the blue line going because I was trying to go to Crystal City. She told me where to go. (Later I learned the Yellow line is shorter/faster than the blue).
I went over to the ‘turnstyles’ and watched how people did that. You slide the ticket in and it comes out a little farther up and the gates open. My gate wasn’t opening. I went back to that lady, showed her my day pass and asked what I was doing wrong. She said day passes aren’t good until 9:30 AM and this was about 7:15. She told me to read the price list on the board above the ticket vending machines and get a ticket for the amount that I would need. When I got back to the machines there were some tourists there trying to figure them out. I said, don’t get a day pass, they aren’t good until 9:30. I said somehow we have to figure out how much we need. I read and it looked like from where I was to where I was going was going to be about $2.50. I bought a ticket for about $5. The default was $20 which I thought was odd (turns out that makes sense).
I put my ticket into the turnstile thing and it poppod out the other side and the gate opened! Hurray! (Fortunately I was told I could use the day pass another time).
I could not figure out what was going on. For some reason I had it in my head that the signs would tell me where the train was going to stop next. The lady told me to head toward Shady grove, so that was what I did. After all, I did tell the people at work I had no idea what I was doing and might end up somewhere else. I had a small map so I could see if I went in the right direction or not at the next stop. I did go the right direction. I got off where I could get off the red line and onto the blue line. I had to ask what direction to go in again. That line goes by Arlington Cemetary. I thought of Diana. I finally made it to Crystal City, got off and followed the crowd up to the ground. I didn’t know where I was. I looked at a map that was displayed at the corner. There is an underground mall underneath, so there are maps above to direct people. I found my building and knew I had to go north. I couldn’t tell which way was north. Yes, I know I could look at the shadows to see where the sun was, but everything was shadows from the buildings. Had I tried harder I might have figured it out. I just followed some guy. I then ran into someone smoking and asked if he knew where the Boeing buildings were. He said I was headed in the correct direction. I walked a block and saw another map/sign. I figured out that I was going in the wrong direction. I turned around and went down that same road the other way. I called Monica (OA that works here) to tell her I was lost and what should I do. Right when she answered I recognized where I was. She said to go the the 7th floor and find Betty’s old cube. I did (after sitting at the wrong cube for a while). I made it to work in about 2 hours and 45 minutes. Granted I spent extra time in the Metro and at Union Station.
Going home… Monica told me the yellow line was more direct. For some reason I wasn’t sure if the yellow line stopped at Crystal City, but it does. She also told me that when the sign says for example: Yellow line to Mt. Vernon.. that is the direction the train is headed. It doesn’t show the next stop, it shows the last stop. That makes perfect sense now, but I didn’t know that eight hours prior. I found where the yellow goes to Mt. Vernon and stood there. I got on the next train. It was the blue line… How did I get on the blue line? (turns out sometimes they use the same tracks, when two trains go through the same station they alternate). At least I was familiar vaguely with the blue line having been on it earlier that day. I got off and found my way to the red line heading toward the last station (but I was going to get off earlier at Union Station). Ha! I made better time with that bit of education. I bought a ticket for the train. Turns out I bought a $20 Amtrak ticket, not a $7 Marc ticket. ugh… I went to the Amtrak help station and asked. I could return the $20 ticket and buy a $7 ticket. Fortunately that didn’t delay because I had some time before the train would leave. I was comfortable on the train and made it home.

(I would write more now, but I think I just got carpal tunnel)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Matt asked me to marry him on 5/21/2009! I said yes (Of course). He surprised me by not asking me at that spot at the boy's dorm. He asked me when I came out of the bathroom! He got down on one knee - ring in hand!

I'm glad I get to spend time being engaged around my St. Louis friends, but I am very very eager to move out there.

No, we wont be picking a date until I move. I'll probably start a different wedding site/blog/something of the sort. If you know me, you know I've been excited for this for a while and have always known he's the one. At least since we re-connected. Back when we were in high school together, I'm not quite sure if 17 years later I would have thought he would propose. :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I've been accepted at UMBC. They don't care about this physics class either. I already have my AA. That is what they care about. :)

That is good news.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spring Break Trip!


I am taking engineering physics II this semester, but with all the other crap I have going on, this is the one time school is on the back burner. After all, I have gone the last 9 (I think) straight semesters (including summer). No wonder I’m a little burned. At this time last year, I didn’t think I would stay at a school I just got a degree from to take an extra class because it might help. I do like the class, it’s just a lot.

I am still trying to find a job in Baltimore. I have applied at some non-Boeing places, but I don’t really have my hopes up for those. I would rather stay at Boeing. There are two positions for which I am under consideration. One is an office admin job, and the other is and HR admin type. I WANT the HR admin type, but the chance of me getting it is small. I can hope and wait. Mainly I’m just grateful that something I qualify for popped up.

I just found out all my transcripts have been sent. I gave STLCC a hard time about not sending them, but it turns out, they sent them when they got the letter, they just didn’t cash the check until now. I wonder if UMBC has all my transcript information. I wonder if I have to wait until June to find out.

I get to see Matt again in 20 days, and after that trip I only have to wait three weeks. That is nice. I wish I had more income to go more often. Some people in long distance relationships get to see each other every other week. We will be fine though. I love him very much, and he loves me very much.

I want to make something for his mom. I think about either painting something (which requires buying paint) or some sort of pottery I can do with Anne Marie and Jen. The three of us talked about doing that on one of our outings someday. I love the gift she gave me.

I know this is a sporadic update, but something had to be posted.

Sorry family, for the delay in the update.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday was the first day of school again. I haven't been looking forward to it very much. It is finally the class which I get to learn some things I've been eager about... like how windmills work and optics. It turns out optics is the last four chapters we will cover, so it will probably get all crammed into the last week.
Class was good, I answered some good questions and my study buddies from engineering physics I were there, but I couldn't help but think... why am I here?
I just graduated (Dean's list, academic honors, Phi Theta Kappa) with my math AA. This class will help toward my BS, but the grade wont transfer, and it wont hit my diploma. I still want to do well and learn a lot, I just don't have the normal drive.
If I get the chance I will move to Baltimore in a second and drop it. Physics will always be there, jobs in Baltimore are hard to find.
I am glad I'm only taking one class, and I do like my teacher (Bob Collins).

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Next Trip to See Him!

On a Personal Note

I usually refrain from writing too many personal issues on here, but once in a while I suppose I can make an exception. I realize that some of my family out west reads this and might want to know what has been going on in my life right now.
I went to Baltimore. I went there twice over the holiday break. The first time was just for a weekend, the second for 6 days.

Basically Matt contacted me after about 15 years (high school). We hit it off immediately. That first phone conversation we decided I should fly out there. As that time between that first contact (November 12th) and the first trip (December 20th) I grew more and more in love with him. That first trip was wonderful. I knew there was a small ever so slight chance we wouldn't hit it off, but we did. The worst case scenario was that we would just be friends. We are more than friends though. :) Everything with him has been magic. We met up with some other high school friends. I have pictures. I had a great time!

The second trip was 6 days long. I figured, that might be enough time for us to drive each other crazy. That didn't happen. When I left I couldn't wait to come back. I got there early in the morning, so he was going to leave a key hidden for me to let myself in. When I got to the key he had the ring there too.. His fraternity ring. I haven't taken it off since I put it on. I love it. That trip wasn't all fun and games though... lol... We did 'get' to deal with a couple things.

The first night I got to meet his cousin Eric. He's great.. a handful, but great! Later that night I broke his toilet. I didn't break the already broken one (of course), I broke the fully functional toilet. I shattered the tank and broke part of the base. Yep... So Eric came by the next day to take us to Home Depot to buy a new toilet.
So, at that point I had been to a liquor store, and Home Depot for my trip...
The second night we got to hang out with Eric again. This time I wasn't already plastered when he got there so I guess I got to get to know him better. It was fun and nothing major happened. One cool part was that he brought up the song Gin and Juice by the Gourds... and I knew what he was talking about. That is my brother's ringtone. :)
New Years Eve was the next night. I got to meet a bunch of his friends and I liked them all. Matt and I stayed up SUPER late. It was great. Fortunately there was a camera there.... Did I mention I forgot my camera and wanted to shoot myself for that?.. Anyway, once I get those photos over to my Picasa I will update this entry with a link.
The next night I got to visit the Emergency Room. I had a bladder infection and couldn't wait until I got back. Matt went with me though. I thought that was very nice. It wasn't exactly 'fun' but it was a part of my trip and we can still be together even though not everything is fun. I was so glad I went because I felt so much better.
Friday morning/afternoon I went to the pharmacy to fill my prescription. So, I got to visit the CVS in Baltimore. I really know how to visit places out of town that also exist in St. Louis. Friday night though, I got to go to a place unique to Baltimore. He took me to the bar where he works in Towson (Lil' Dicky's). I had a great time. I loved that place. We thought about bar hopping (there were bars up and down the street) but the beer was a good price and the company was great. We closed out that bar and went home to hang out for a while. I think we were up until about 6 AM. At about 9 or 10 Steve and Hillary came over and we hung out with them for a while. It was nice to hang out with some of the people that were over on New Years without all the other people around. It was more homey. After they left Matt and I got to hang out together alone for a while. We called my brother and talked to him for a while. It was nice to have Matt connect with my bro. Matt brought out his leather jacket from high school. Out of all those times I wanted to wear it I finally did. I smile just thinking about it. We had our first dance to our song. I messed up the words a few times, but copious amounts of alcohol will do that. It is a great song, it goes back a long time, and I loved it in the past. I never associated it with anyone else. I didn't make it past 6:30 that night. I would have liked to make it another hour to check into my flight, but I was just too tired. I wanted to be awake as much as possible at the end of the trip to be with him longer. So... evidently I didn't get sick of him and he didn't drive me crazy since I wanted to maximise my time with him.
I got to the airport way too early. I was so tired I almost fell asleep in the cab and THEN I had two and a half hours to kill waiting for the flight. I would have spent more time with him in the morning had I known. I will be taking that flight out Sundays in the future. Now I know. That airport is actually quite on top of it. I'm happy.
So there you have the quick once over of my trips to Baltimore. I didn't want to leave, but I knew I would be back. I feel ok with him, like we can make the long distance work until I can get out there.

Oh yeah... speaking of that. I will be looking for a job out there. I will be taking physics 2 this semester, but I am not motivated at all. I have had second thoughts about it because I am not dedicated, but hell, might as well give it a shot. If I do miraculously find a job out there, I will drop my class. We are not currently in a good economic time, so looking for a job will be a challenge. Fortunately I am confident that everything will fall into place. I love him.