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Friday, September 18, 2009

Quick Update

I keep telling myself to update, but I keep not updating.

I am ecstatically happy in Baltimore. It's finally starting to feel like home. My car just goes some places now without me having to focus as much. Yes, I still focus on my driving, but I don't have to focus on missing the road as much... most of the time... to places I know.

I have been here 7 weeks and have read almost 5 books. I'm in love with the Pelbar series. I sometimes don't want to get to work because I have to put the book down. I'm excited that I finally started reading regularly.

Matt is absolutely wonderful. I'm gone a lot of the day and he is super supportive. We get to go camping in a couple weeks. I haven't been camping since before I moved back to St. Louis (2004 I think). He has MORE camping supplies than I ever did. I have a feeling I'll be a bit more spoiled than normal.

Work in DC is pretty cool. I'm getting used to seeing the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial every day. My body just goes to the correct places for the Metro now too, I don't have to focus on that either.

All in all this move was more than worth it. It was great when I first got here and it's only getting better.

What I am not doing is taking enough pictures. This weekend we have Alex and Eric's housewarming party to attend. I hope I not only bring my camera, but take a few pictures too.

James goes to Afghanistan on October 31st. Our wedding date is June 24th, 2010.

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