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Friday, December 19, 2008


I just found out I did all the work to earn my math AA. I am so grateful to my friends in the department for letting me know early. I don't have to go to Baltimore with doubts. My performance was much less than par this semester if you couldn't tell by the posts. I guess I can take that countdown timer down.
I do wonder how I did in physics, that was what kept me from much of the math. (Update, I got an A in physics)

I didn't think I would be this emotional when I found out. I don't even really know what to say. I guess I could say what I'm thinking.

I am thinking about the classes I went through at Flo, and how much I care for and appreciate my teachers. I'm thinking about the study groups and help I got from the other students. I'm thinking about the relationships I built there.

There is a sign in the hallway of the Math and Science building that says, "St. Louis Community College changes lives everyday". It sure has changed mine. I wasn't even a good student prior to going there. Now, it is one of my favorite places to be.

I hope I passed physics so I can have one more semester there.

I have been taking classes for so many years and 5 different schools. I wondered if this would ever happen. I guess time passes no matter what you do with it. You keep going through the motions knowing and hoping sometime something will happen. Today something happened.

I guess now I get to work on my bachelors. :)

Today, I love life!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

School and Baltimore

Well, I made it through my last two tests of the semester. I didn’t do well on either of them, but I did live through them. I am curious as to how I will do on a math test that I didn’t study or do the homework for prep. I don’t think I have ever not prepped for a math test… especially my much excited for Laplace transforms. I think I got a C, which really isn’t that bad considering. Don’t worry, Rick will replace the final score with the lowest test score, and there is practically no way I will do worse than that on the final. The unfortunate thing about sacrificing math for physics is that I may not get an A in math (or physics for that matter). My GPA will go down, but I was prepared for this. Remember, I took the physics to learn, not for the grade. I have learned a LOT. I plan to take Bob next semester and learn more. Next semester wont be so bad because I am only taking one class, and I will already have my AA. People seem to think that I will like EP2 better than EP1. I liked EP1 pretty much, so... Does school just get better and better as the classes get to the higher levels?

Next Monday is my math final, Tuesday is my physics final. After that I hope I feel relief. Saturday is Baltimore. I can’t wait for Baltimore.

I have never been to Baltimore. He says there is an aquarium there. I don’t recollect that I have ever been to one of those. We don’t have one here in St. Louis. I am also curious about the science center. Yes, I know most of the stuff is for kids, but I’m sure it’s still cool. It’s not like I already know everything about science. There is this one exhibit at our Science Center that I just learned the physics about last week. (The mass distribution of a cylinder on an incline and it’s velocity). Anyway… Baltimore…I want to write about it because it is worth mentioning again. Mostly I just want to be there. I think I will do some research on the city before I go. When I went to Seattle for three months, I felt as if I knew more about Seattle than St. Louis. Now, I want to learn all I can about Baltimore. I wonder if I will end up knowing more about Baltimore than St. Louis.

Well, why am I writing here when I could be reading about there?

Thursday, December 4, 2008


It’s been a while since I put in an update. I have been thinking about it, but I’m not quite sure what to say.

I have been pretty happy lately. I try to keep too many personal things out of here, but I think it is worth mentioning that I have been particularly happy in the past few weeks.

I am very much looking forward to the break.

I have two tests next week and two finals the week after. The semester from hell is almost over. Two tests next week, two finals the week after... Yes, I like learning physics, but it was a rough ride with the math too. I get my AA Math soon, but I haven’t really thought about that very much this semester. It’s probably because I don’t walk in December (for mom). I will have to wait for May 23rd. That will be interesting. It will be my last semester at that school. I may cry. I know my spring 09 class will only be a transfer class, but I doubt I will let myself slack. I’m looking forward to it (Engineering Physics II). What will I ever do without a math class? LOL fortunately, there will be a LOT of integrals in that class.

Oh, my bro became email friendly. FINALLY!!