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Thursday, November 8, 2007

X-Mas is Coming

I have been nominated by my loving mother to host the next SWNG (Six Women in Need of a Gun) meeting. I am excited to have the ladies over, but wish my bathroom looked better… It needs some serious help. Diana put in the meeting notice to bring a plate and a gift. I have never done a gift exchange like that before. It is nice to host the party and not have to do any of the work. I say that now, before all the cleaning and cooking, lawn… wow, it is exhausting just thinking about it. Maybe this will help me get my butt in gear to finally rake my leaves and clean my gutters. I’ve been using the excuse that I want all the leaves to fall before I clean the gutters. Those DAMN Pin Oaks don’t like to shed their leaves, but they aren’t shy about dropping branches and acorns all over the place. I like the branches though, as long as they don’t fall on my house or my car. Branches are good for burning.

I saw more wildlife on my property. It was a snake (above). I know it is just a little one, but it is a snake... So, my list is up to deer, some mystery dog, rabbits, squirrels, and a snake. It is pretty average, except one of my friends said she saw horses walk through my yard one morning. I wish I had seen that.

I wonder if I am going to work on my bathroom before year end. I know mom and Diana will help, but am I ready to spend the money?

Friday, October 26, 2007

I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke

That song was stuck in my head for a couple days due to a homework project. If I share it, maybe it will leave my head and get stuck in yours. Ha Ha

Halloween is coming up! One of the best holidays EVER.

I finally got my computer hooked up in my house, even though I think it as one of the first computers ever built. I haven’t quite used it yet, but I will mainly use it for my totally awesome scanner/printer I got for Christmas last year. I want to scan my Yellowstone trip form 7th grade. I did get some of the oldies but goodies pictures scanned in the mean time. AT&T Yahoo doesn’t offer DSL at my house right now, so it isn’t really worth me getting any internet. I’m rarely there anyway.

I wonder how long it is going to take me to really clean up. I do little by little, and even when I spend hours working around the house, it only seems like baby steps. I’m hoping whenever my brother gets here, he can help me with that HORRIBLE RED bathroom and I can FINALLY have my housewarming party. The bathroom didn’t stop me from having a poker party last August though.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Idle Crap

I found an old water pump in my back yard. I was getting rid of a small tree/bush that was in the way of the field out back and low and behold… a water pump. I pumped and I pumped but no water came out. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing though. It is kind of cool; the house was built in 1948.

That was the good news… The bad news is something is wrong with my lawnmower. The blades don’t seem to want to turn, when I give it more power, the blades turn reluctantly, but it will give me a bad smell and some smoke. I think I need to take it in. L

I am in search for an x-box game that I can be addicted to. My classes are easy this semester, so I will allow myself to indulge. I just can’t seem to find the right game. I can’t get past level 1 of Lost Planet or Sonic. I suppose I could try harder, but they just don’t seem to catch me like they should. Tiger Woods 08 just came out though. :)

Friday, October 5, 2007

New TV

Zac got a new Sony 52" LCD TV. It is sweet. I almost like it better than my 70” JVC LCoS. He says it’s because girls like flat panels better than boys do. I’m going to grab my camera tonight to snap some pictures of it to share. I do have a big awesome TV, but compared to the size of my room, it may seem a bit large to the normal person. I do love it though.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nothing Happening

Nothing is really going on right now. My new house is a lot of work and I am too lazy to work on it. Why is it so hard to make myself clean the gutters?

I am trying to think of something really cool for Zac and me to be for Halloween. He does have an awesome Vader costume and I have a Padme costume that go together, but that Vader costume has to be very uncomfortable to wear all night. It would win contests though. :)

Other than that, I am waiting to find out if and when my bro will be home from the Marines. His boot camp knee injury might send him home after only a year of service, and to tours. :(