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Friday, November 21, 2008

Better Semester

My semester is getting better. I don't know if it's that my brain is functioning better, or just that it is nearing the end (the semester, not the brain)(3 weeks left) and it is starting to hit.

In math we finally got to Laplace transforms. I have been excited to learn about that for quite some time now. I didn't do as well on the math test as I would have liked (88) but most of my mistakes were algebra or arithmetic. That doesn't bother me as much as if I had lost more points because of the calculus. The last physics test didn't go well either. I was hoping for a 60 and got a 74 (which was the average). I can't remember the last time I got an average test score. I don't think I have since I've been at Flo. That's ok though, I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked. Physics got better recently also. I know stuff that rotates is much more difficult, but some of it just goes completely against what I think it would do. It's kind of fascinating. Bob also talked about protons and stars last night which was super ultra cool. I think this next physics test might be the most difficult aside from the first one. This next math test will be all Laplace. I seem to be picking up on that ok, so I'm not as worried about that one. It might backfire on me though. I might spend too much time on the physics and not enough on the math. We'll see.

Break is coming up. Thanksgiving is next week. Bob is going to give us a 60 point project that will help us improve our grade. We started with 12, and then there were 7. The class is pretty cool now though, like a family or sorts. The big break (Christmas) is coming soon too. I am excited to be off work for almost two weeks. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my time. My brother will be in town which is cool, but I wont be able to monopolize him the whole time.

After the break, school doesn't start until late January. I only plan to take engineering physics 2. This semester just about killed me. Granted, I had a lot going on, but still. It is my last semester at Flo and I might as well leave on a happy note. (That's funny, one of the most difficult classes and I think happy note). I hear there are a lot of integrals in EP2, but I'm not really afraid of integrals...yet... I hope I get to see a lot of F (dot) dr stuff. Who knows. I guess anyone who has had the class knows. lol

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's OK to Have a Bad Semester

I was doing fine until I wrecked my car. I had a hard time studying and focusing at work. I was able to fall just about two weeks behind, and with two hard classes. Is that even recoverable? I took a physics test last night. I was more prepared than I thought I was, but still missed a couple of the thinking problems and a BIG 24 point application problem. I do remember that I was in this to learn, even if it does negatively impact my GPA on my AA transcript.

I have a math test next week. I haven’t gotten all the homework done (which is not like me), but the good news is I understand it. I just need a little practice and I have this weekend to do that. Physics just takes so much more thought and time. Next semester I am only going to take Engineering Physics 2. That will finally allow me to have class only two days a week rather than four, and I can’t remember the last semester I only had one class. This will be my last semester at Flo. Off to UMSL after that. Will it be math? Will it be physics? Today, it is math, so I can get the BS a year earlier. Then I can finally do physics.

On a personal note, (Which I don’t do very often… I have found most of my writing is school related) I have some new friends. That makes me happy.

I am very excited for the break. Partially to have a break from school (which I rarely like) and the holiday work break. I cannot wait for that!!