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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Grateful IX

I'm grateful that our wedding plans are on track and moving along. I'm pretty excited.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Grateful VIII

Today I wrote a long list of little things that make me happy:

Started 3/24/2010 (and I will keep it clean even though, well, I'll keep it clean) (In no particular order)

1. Of course being around the man I love
2. Clean Sheets
3. Warm Spring afternoons outside
4. The sound of water falling
5. The first spring buds
6. Fall colors
7. The smell of rain
8. Gardenias
9. Getting the best parking spot
10. Unexpectedly helping someone
11. See someone smile when they learn something new
12. Jeans that fit
13. When pictures come out perfectly
14. Toasted Ravioli
15. Sticking my feet in a swimming pool
16. Float trips
17. Fire
18. When he smiles without realizing it when he sees me
19. Crying while watching tv/movies
20. Surprise nice Facebook messages
21. Random simple gifts (give or receive)
22. Desert
23. Beer on a restaurant patio
24. Foot rubs
25. Staying up all night
26. Playing dress up
27. When someone else scratches that itch you can't reach without being asked
28. Gum flavor that lasts
29. Sleeping in
30. Finding a new great song
31. Feeling pretty
32. Half Days
33. A clean car
34. New socks
35. Water skiing
36. The night sky and seeing the Milky Way
37. Shooting stars
38. The first time seeing a planet up 'close'
39. Long Hugs
40. Having someone brush your hair
41. Hear the wind
42. Warm sand
43. Swinging
44. Carnivals
45. Street music
46. Feeling home
47. Kitties
48. Candle light
49. Fast internet
50. Getting the fresh food on a buffet
51. Warm towels
52. Hot Baths
53. Learning / Seeing something new
54. Sharing
55. Singing
56. Skipping
57. Sunrises
58. Cookouts
59. When a butterfly lands on you
60. Diving into a pool
61. Floating on waves
62. Train rides
63. Riding in two seated aircraft
64. Jello
65. Waking up together
67. Padded Barstools
68. Finding forgotten clothes
69. Finding a new route
70. Smelling flowers
71. Sundresses
72. Painted toenails
73. Undercounter lighting
74. Good beer/wine
75. Flowers growing out of rocks
76. Colored pens/pencils
77. Journals
78. Rooms with a view
79. Days off
80. Good hair days
81. Surprise notes
82. Traveling - then coming home
83. Trying something new
84. Wrapping presents
85. A great shot at pool
86. Cool looking rocks
87. Fresh cut grass
88. Window seats
89. Walking
90. Clear contact lenses
91. Driving with the windows down
92. Birdwatching
93. Good china/silver
94. Ceiling fans
95. Spreadsheets
96. Fresh vegetables and fruit
97. Kite Flying
98. Remembering/rediscovering old songs once loved
99. BBQ's
100. Smiling

Monday, March 22, 2010

Grateful VI

I'm glad I get to ride the train home in the rain rather than drive the whole way in it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Grateful VI

Today I got to split wood. I'm grateful to learn new things. It was hard, the splitting and the wood. Reward: Fire with a great group of friends!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Grateful V

I'm glad that even when I go a little crazy I have friends that will bring me back down to Earth, even though that may be difficult sometimes.
Last night I was grateful for Matt's smile, but today I was freaking about wedding planning, and just the thought of my friends help made me feel better. I'm glad I had a friend around me to listen to me chitter-chatter like a girl on extra coffee or something. Matt would have said, it will all work out. (and it will)...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Grateful IV

I'm happy to say that I have a wonderful Maid of Honor. Some of the little things she may not even realize she does make the process smooth and easy.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grateful III

Today I am grateful for the sun. May it bring us energy and Vitamin D! I hope it sticks around through the weekend so Saturday we can build a nice fire in our paradise out back (And maybe have a couple friends over)!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Grateful II

I'm grateful it isn't cold all the time. I like getting outside, and Matt works outside. It's a bonus for the two of us when the weather is pleasant.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I am constantly grateful that I get to live in Baltimore with Matt. I am grateful for my fiance and my wonderful friends. I would call them 'new' friends, but they've been around for a year so they have graduated. I'm glad I was able to find a job to allow me to be where I belong.